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联系s With Persons Represented by Counsel; Application of 规则8.第4(g)项藐视法庭罪诉讼

澳博appA声称将他/她在诉讼中代表一方,限于该诉讼的某一特定方面, 对方澳博appB, 根据规则4.2(a), 未经A澳博app同意,不得直接与A澳博app的客户就诉讼的其他方面进行沟通, 在案件的被代理人和未被代理人方面有什么共同的问题. 拒绝同意的, 然而,澳博appA必须接收澳博appB的通信并将其传送给客户.

提出刑事藐视家庭关系民事保护令的动议, 为了在潜在的国内关系案件中获得优势, 不寻求刑事指控是为了在民事案件中获得优势吗, 规则8所禁止的.4(g).


  • 规则1.4(a)(告知客户事项的进展情况)
  • 规则4.2(a)(澳博app与对方的通讯)
  • 规则8.4(g)(寻求或威胁提起刑事指控以在民事案件中获取利益)


询问者是在诉讼中代表家庭暴力受害者的澳博app1 在高等法院. 我们从询问者那里得知,家庭暴力受害者的一项法律补救措施是民事保护令。, 针对家庭暴力的肇事者的法庭命令. 除此之外, 《澳博app下载网》禁止答辩人-加害人与请愿人-受害人的身体接触. 看到 D.C. 法典§16-1005.

如果违反了《澳博app下载网》,呈请人可以对答辩人提出藐视法庭罪的动议. 根据哥伦比亚特区高等法院的惯例, 藐视法庭罪诉讼是由导致发出《澳博app》的诉讼中的动议发起的. 看到 规则12、D.C高级法院家事分庭关于家庭内部诉讼的规则. 另请参阅 D.C. 法典第16-1005(f)条. 请愿人也可以单独向法院动议修改《澳博app》的条款,以便对行为人提供更大的保护.

如果控诉权诉讼中的被告是贫困的, 高等法院将指定澳博app在藐视法庭罪诉讼中代表该人. 我们被告知被告的指定澳博app通常将其代理仅限于藐视法庭动议, 很可能是因为他的刑事司法任命如此有限, 并没有就修改民事诉讼立案令的动议提供代表. 《澳博app下载网》评注[4.2 .批准此种有限代表权, 澳博app的服务范围可能受到限制的情况 . . . 根据向委托人提供澳博app服务的条款.“然而, CPO变更诉讼和藐视法庭罪诉讼通常涉及一些共同事实, i.e.,与涉嫌违反《澳博app下载网》有关的个案.

询问者提出的一个问题涉及被指派为藐视法庭罪动议辩护的澳博app不辩护的情况, 事实上, 考虑他的代理包括CPO修改程序. The Inquirer acknowledges that the lawyer for the petitioner/victim cannot communicate directly with the respondent concerning the contempt matter, since counsel has been appointed for the respondent in that proceeding; but she asks 如果是的话 ethical for her to communicate directly with the respondent concerning the CPO modification proceeding.

《澳博app下载网》还询问,在刑事法庭上提出藐视法庭的动议是否合乎道德, 除此之外, its pendency (and the consequent risk to the respondent of a fine or imprisonment) may be used to obtain the respondent’s consent to a modification of the CPO to afford greater protection to the petitioner-victim.



The ethical propriety of communication by a lawyer for a party with another party to a matter is governed by subpart (a) of Rule of Professional Conduct 4.2(“澳博app与对方的通讯”),内容如下:

在代理客户的过程中, 澳博app不得就代理的主题与已知的当事人进行沟通或使他人沟通 由另一位澳博app代理此事, 除非澳博app事先得到代表该另一方当事人的澳博app的同意,或者法律授权澳博app这样做. (强调说.]

规则4.2(a) question presented to us depends upon whether the CPO modification proceeding in which the lawyer seeks to communicate directly with the respondent is the same “matter” as the contempt proceeding, 被告有法律代表的案件. 如果是,那么规则4.2(a)禁止未经被告澳博app同意,申诉人的澳博app与被告直接通信. 根据本次调查的事实, 我们认为,就规则4而言,提出这两项动议的诉讼是一个单一的“事项”.2(a),并且未经必要的同意,禁止这种直接通信.

“事项”一词在《澳博app下载网》的其他几项条款中也有使用, 包括规则1.7和1.第9条(利益冲突)和规则1.10(推定不合格). 它在任何地方都没有定义,但是在规则1的注释[3]中.7州,关于澳博app在“事情”中对客户不利的情况:

[t]he concept of “matter” is typically apparent in on-the-record adversary proceedings or other proceedings in which a written record of the position of parties exists.

这个评论表明, 至少在诉讼方面是这样, 一个特定的诉讼是一个“问题”.”

美国澳博app协会意见95-396(1995年7月28日)讨论了规则4.2(a). 关于术语“物质”的含义及其范围, 美国澳博app协会的意见从刑法中提供了这样一个例子:

[I]f the communicating lawyer represents a client with respect to a separate and distinct crime B and wishes to contact Defendant regarding that crime, 澳博app在犯罪A中的代理并不妨碍关于犯罪B的通信. . . . 通过禁止就代表的主题进行交流, 该规则考虑到问题是明确和具体的, 这样,传递信息的澳博app就可以被告知代理的主体. 因此, 如果陈述集中在一个给定的问题上, 例如涉及过去的行为, 沟通的澳博app知道这种表现, 未经代理澳博app同意,不得与被代理人联系.

引用的语言, 而没有处理我们面前调查的具体情况, 是否与将“物质”解释为特定诉讼相一致. 此外,我们认为这种解释是唯一有意义的解释. 虽然诉讼可能有很多方面, 这些方面通常至少包含一些事实, 证据与法律原则的共同之处. 一个案件的一个方面的活动或发展很少不会对其他方面产生影响. 我们面前的调查充分说明了这种情况, CPO修改动议和刑事藐视法庭动议的核心问题是一样的:什么, 如果有什么区别的话, 被告做了什么违反《澳博app下载网》的事.

如果,就规则4而言.2(a), “事项”被解释为CPO变更程序和藐视法庭程序是不同的“事项”,” 然后 a communication by the petitioner’s lawyer to the respondent concerning the CPO modification proceeding would not violate 规则4.2(a),因为被告在该“事项”中将没有代表.“然而, 因为两项动议有共同的事实, a communication concerning the modification motion from the petitioner’s lawyer directly to the respondent would involve all of the concerns 规则4.2(一个)地址, such as the lawyer’s use of the advantages of the lawyer’s training and experience to secure concessions or admissions from the adverse party. 显然,这种直接接触可能会产生影响,在某种程度上,规则4.第2(a)条的目的是防止, 被告澳博app在藐视法庭动议中代表其当事人的能力. 正如一个法院在一个有关规则4的案件中所观察到的.2(a)的前身DR 7-104(a) (1):

The purpose of this prohibition is to prevent a person from being deprived of the advice of retained counsel by the bypassing of such counsel. . . . Disciplinary Rule 7-104(A)(1) preserves the attorney-client relationship as well as the proper functioning of the judicial system and at the same time safeguards the opposing party from an approach that may be improper or from an approach that may be well intended but misguided.

卡特v. Kanaras, 430 A.2d 1058, 1059 (R.I. 1981). 一位受人尊敬的评论员解释了规则4的原因. 2(a)禁令更直截了当:

The prohibition is founded on the possibility of treachery that might result if lawyers were free to exploit the presumably vulnerable position of a represented but unadvised party.

Wolfram, 现代法律伦理 (1986). 因此, 我们的结论是,相关的“事”是家庭暴力受害者提起的法律诉讼, 《澳博app下载网》修改案和藐视法庭动议只是诉讼程序的不同方面.1

因为我们相信,在《澳博app》所描述的家庭暴力案件中,只有一件事, 我们相信规则4.2(a) would require the lawyer representing the domestic violence petitioner to seek the consent of the lawyer representing the respondent in the contempt proceeding before communicating with the respondent directly concerning the CPO modification. 在获得同意的情况下, 根据规则4,通信显然可能发生而没有道德后果.2(a).

然而,我们可以设想,在某些情况下,同意可能不会被给予, 例如, when respondent’s lawyer is concerned that his client might say something in a CPO modification discussion with opposing counsel that might be used against the client in the contempt proceeding. 但是,如果没有得到指定澳博app的同意,该澳博app就不能使用规则4.2(a) and the limited scope of the engagement to prevent any CPO modification communications between the petitioner’s lawyer and the respondent. 请愿人的澳博app需要能够以某种方式与被告就CPO修改动议进行沟通, 无论是直接还是通过法律顾问. 这种交流的主题可以像日程安排一样日常, 或者可能涉及和解, 证据或其他更实质性的事项. 一定有办法让这些发生. 被申请人的澳博app拒绝与被申请人直接沟通的, 然后,澳博app必须接受申诉人澳博app的来文,并采取适当步骤予以答复, 比如将信息传递给他的当事人,并按照当事人的意愿行事.

换句话说,当被告澳博app援引规则4时.2(a)防止申诉人的澳博app与其委托人之间的直接通信, 被告的澳博app必须在其代理被告的范围内收到该通信, 并将沟通情况报告给客户.2 我们认为,如果不这样做,就构成违反规则1.(要求澳博app随时向当事人通报事情的进展情况).3

总之, 根据本案的事实, 在与被告澳博app联系之前,申请人的澳博app不得主动与被告进行直接沟通. 然后,被告澳博app的答复将通知请愿人的澳博app如何进行. 被申请人的澳博app不反对申请人的澳博app直接与被申请人通信的, 申诉人的澳博app可以在不违反第4条的情况下这样做.2(a). If, 另一方面, 被申请人的澳博app建议申请人的澳博app不要与被申请人直接沟通, 请愿人的澳博app不得这样做, but respondent’s lawyer thereby assumes the obligation to transmit information from petitioner’s lawyer to his/her client and to take such further steps as may be necessary under the circumstances.


向我们提出的第二个问题是申诉人的澳博app是否, 在提出藐视法庭的动议之后, may offer not to prosecute the motion in order to negotiate a modification of the CPO that would be more favorable to the petitioner. 适用的道德原则见《澳博app下载网》8.4(g),其中规定:


. . .


调查提出了两个潜在的问题:根据规则8,在CPO事件中进行的刑事藐视法庭诉讼是否属于“刑事指控”.4 (g), 如果是的话, 根据调查的事实, 是否仅仅是为了在cpo变更事项中获得优势.

法律道德委员会对规则8的这一方面没有事先的意见.《澳博app下载网》第4(g)条或其前身dr7 -105条.4 关于“刑事指控”一词的含义,我们认为没有理由不将其解释为实体法中的一般含义. 和, 根据本辖区的明确权限, 藐视法庭罪诉讼不是刑事起诉. 参见贝克汉姆v. 美国, 609 A.2d 1122 (D.C. 1992); Matter of Wiggins, 359 A.2d 579 (D.C. 1976). 它遵循, 然后, 寻求或威胁藐视法庭罪不是根据规则8寻求或威胁提起刑事指控.4(g).

我们相信,这是正确的结论. 在哥伦比亚特区的一起民事案件中, 当事人可为执行法庭在该诉讼中的命令的特定目的而提出刑事藐视法庭的动议. 它是, 然后, 就其本质而言, 为实现民事事项的特定目的而提供的救济. 解释规则8.第4(g)条适用于此种程序, 有效地, 让澳博app寻求这种特殊的补救措施成为违反纪律的行为, 明显不合逻辑和反常的结果, 我们认为这并非本规则起草者的本意.

调查没有. 95-4-13


1. 如果诉讼中被代理的方面和未被代理的方面完全不相关,则可能得出不同的结论, such that there would be no way that a direct communication from a lawyer to the opposing party could prejudice the ability of that party’s lawyer to represent his client. Cf. 阿坝Op. 93-396 (1993).
2. Where the respondent’s lawyer advises petitioner’s counsel that he is not in a position to give or withhold consent because he does not represent the respondent in the CPO modification motion, 申诉人的澳博app可将此视为规则4规定的同意.2(a)与答辩人直接沟通. 在这种情况下, petitioner’s lawyer may reasonably conclude that respondent’s counsel has evaluated the consequences to the criminal contempt motion of a direct communication with his client concerning CPO modification, 并得出结论,他对此没有异议.
3. 规则1.4要求:
  (a) A lawyer keep a client reasonably informed about the status of a matter and shall promptly comply with reasonable requests for information.
  (b) A lawyer shall explain a matter to the extent reasonably necessary to permit the client to make informed decisions regarding the representation.
  自, 根据本次调查的事实, 我们的结论是,整个诉讼都是“问题”,” the lawyer’s obligation to keep the client “reasonably informed about the status of a matter” would oblige him to keep the client informed about developments in the CPO modification proceeding.
4. D.C. Op. 第220(1991)条涉及规则8的不同方面.4(g), 也就是说, whether the filing of disciplinary charges against a lawyer can be threatened in order to influence the settlement of a civil matter in which the lawyer is involved as a party or counsel.
